1 REM This file is called cge1.txt 2 REM its based on Dinwiddy and Teal, with adaptation by Mick Common 3 REM primary are labour l and oil r 4 REM sectors are ag 1 and man 2 5 REM normalised price is w=1 on labour 6 REM give it initial p for oil price 7 REM and x1 for gross ag output 8 REM for base case use p = 1.2 and x1 = 1.9 9 REM supplied a1 and a2 are labour coeffs in CRS cd pf 10 A1=0.75 20 A2=0.5 30 L=4 40 R=2 50 A11=0 60 A12=0.4 70 A21=0.2 80 A22=0 90 A=(1-A11)*(1-A22)-A12*A21 100 W=1 110 PRINT "input initial p" 111 INPUT P 120 PRINT "input initial x1" 121 INPUT X1 130 UL1=((P/W)*(A1/(1-A1)))^(1-A1) 140 UL2=((P/W)*(A2/(1-A2)))^(1-A2) 150 UR1=((W/P)*((1-A1)/A1))^(A1) 160 UR2=((W/P)*((1-A2)/A2))^(A2) 170 P1=(1-A22)*((W*UL1)+(P*UR1)) 171 P1=(P1+(A21*((W*UL2)+(P*UR2))))/A 180 P2=(1-A11)*((W*UL2)+(P*UR2)) 181 P2=(P2+(A12*((W*UL1)+(P*UR1))))/A 190 L1=X1*UL1 200 L2=L-L1 210 X2=L2/UL2 220 R1=X1*UR1 230 R2=X2*UR2 240 Y=(W*(L1+L2))+(P*(R1+R2)) 250 C1=Y/(2*P1) 260 C2=Y/(2*P2) 270 X1=((1-A22)*C1+A12*C2)/A 280 IF ABS(R-R1-R2)<0.001 THEN GOTO 350 290 IF(R1+R2)>R THEN P=P+0.001 300 IF(R1+R2)