Welcome To Xuerong Mao's Home Page

Strathclyde Teaching Excellent Award 2024
Winner of Most Memorable Category
Address Professor Xuerong Mao FRSE
Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award Holder
1969 Chair of Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Strathclyde
Livingstone Tower
26 Richmond Street
Glasgow, G1 1XT
Scotland, U.K.
Tel +44-(0)141-548-3669
Fax +44-(0)141-548-3345
E-mail x.mao@strath.ac.uk
http http://personal.strath.ac.uk/x.mao
Research.Com Best Mathematics Scientists in the UK

1st Edition (2022): #1 in the UK and #93 in the World rankings
2nd Edition (2023): #4 in the UK and #86 in the World rankings
3rd Edition (2024): #5 in the UK and #95 in the World rankings
Elsevier BV and Standford University September 2022 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"

Ranks in the single recent year dataset: 1818 overall (out of 200,409 of top 2% scientists) , 8 in the top ranked Science-Metrix category (subfield), 10 in the second ranked Science-Metrix category (subfield)

Ranks in the career-long database: 2762 overall (out of 195,605 of top 2% scientists) , 13 in the top ranked Science-Metrix category (subfield), 12 in the second ranked Science-Metrix category (subfield)
Clarivate Web of Science Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher 2020 in the field of Mathematics
Web of Science Profile
Citation report by Web of Science
(Author search using Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-6172-2020)
Google My Google Scholar Citations
MathSciNet My Papers reviewed by MathSciNet (Mathamtical Reviews)
mathcitations.github.io Most cited mathematicians based on MathSciNet

PhD Year 1989: Top 2 overall; Top 1 in Probability.
ORCID orcid.org/0000-0002-6768-9864
Scopus Author ID 57216338559
Mendeley Profile
Research Gate Profile

With Chinese President Hu Jin Tao