Natural Resource and Environmetal
Economics Web Links
Chapter 6: Pollution control
National/Regional EPA's
United Nations, World
Bank, OECD, and other international organisations
- US
EPA Economic Incentive Instruments for Pollution Control.
- US
EPA: 2004 Report Economic Incentives (New 2004 US
EPA Document: International Experiences with Economic Incentives for Protecting
the environment - updating previous 1999 version)
- US EPA: Economic Incentives (A page linking to earlier
US EPA studies of US experiences with use of economic incentive instruments)
- US EPA: Tools of the Trade
(A guidebook for governments
considering cap and trade as a policy tool to control pollution. Cap and trade is the form of permit trading used in the
U.S. to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions, which cause acid rain and
other environmental and public health problems. "Tools of the Trade"is
intended to be sufficiently generic to apply to various pollutants
and environmental concerns; however, it emphasizes cap and trade to control
emissions produced from large, stationary sources. The
publication was written by staff of the Clean Air Markets Division, the group
at EPA that operates cap and trade programs for sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides.)
- US
EPA National Center for Environmental Economics Pollution abatement costs and expenditues: 2005 survey (US EPA)
European Environment Agency
National government sites
Academic and research institute sites
Tradable permits
Pollution and Sustainability
Environmental Policy: Water
Pollution control technology