
Current teaching

I currently lecture on the following modules:

MM302 Differential Equations (for third year students in the Mathematics and Statistics department)

MM402 Modelling And Simulation With Applications To Financial Derivatives (for fourth year students in the Mathematics and Statistics department)

Previous teaching

I have previously lectured on the following modules:

MM306 Numerical Analysis (for third year students in the Mathematics and Statistics department)

MM101 Introduction to Calculus (for first year students in the Mathematics and Statistics department)

MM201 Linear Algebra (for second year students in the Mathematics and Statistics department)

MM206 Mathematical and Statistical Computing (for second year students in the Mathematics and Statistics department)

MM401 Communicating Mathematics and Statistics (for Honours students in the Mathematics and Statistics department)

MM117 Mathematics 1M (for first year students in Mechanical Engineering)

MA406 One-dimensional Dynamical Systems (for Honours students in the Mathematics department)

MA101 Mathematics 1A (for first year students in the Mathematics department)

MA112 Mathematics 2B (for first year students in Engineering)

MA116 Vectors, Matrices and Numerical Methods (for first year students in Engineering)

11.939 Numerical Solution of Boundary Value PDEs (for Honours students in the Mathematics department)

11.659 Bioscience Mathematics (for first year students in Bioscience and Biotechnology)

11.612 Mathematics 1A (for first year students in Mathematics)

11.651 Mathematics 2B (for second year students in Science and Engineering)

11.672 Algebra and Calculus 2 (for first year students in Engineering)

11.682 Engineering Mathematics 2 (for first year students in Engineering)

11.749 Linear Mathematics (for second year students in Technology and Business Studies)

11.999 Information Technology 1 (for MSc students in Industrial Mathematics)

11.999 Finite Element Method (for MSc students in Industrial Mathematics)

External examiner positions

University of the West of England UG Engineering, Design and Mathematics, 2017-2022

University of Manchester UG Numerical Analysis, MSc Mathematical & Computational Science 2010-2015

University of St Andrews UG Applied Mathematics, 2006-2010

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