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In the eyes of every author, I fancy, his past work falls into four classes. First, the pure rubbish which he regrets ever having conceived; second — for him the most painful — the good ideas which his incompetence or impatience prevented from coming to much... third, the pieces he had nothing against except their lack of importance; these must inevitably form the bulk of any collection since, were he to limit it to the fourth class alone, to those poems for which he is honestly grateful, his volume would be too depressingly slim.
— W. H. Auden, preface to The Collected Poetry of W. H. Auden (1945).

It's all fake bs to make you think they're really clever.
— Anonymous online comment on paper [41].

Below is an approximately up-to-date list of papers and other articles which I've been involved in writing. If you believe in citation records and the associated metrics, you may find mine on ResearcherID and on Google Scholar. My ORCID profile number is 0000-0002-9235-7052. I do not record peer reviews via Publons, so any nonsense they publish about my peer-review record is entirely fictional.

Where possible, I've provided a link to the DOI (digital object identifier) of the paper: this will take you to a summary of the paper on the publishers' website, from which you may be able to download the paper itself. Where a paper is marked "Open Access" you should be able to download it from the publisher for free; in some other cases I've provided a link to a preprint on the University's repository.

Refereed publications (most recent first)

Papers of which I am technically a co-author but to which my contribution was not substantial appear in brackets and unnumbered; they are included solely to keep the list complete.

49. The lifetimes of evaporating sessile droplets of water can be strongly influenced by thermal effects. Schofield, F. G. H., Pritchard, D., Wilson, S. K., and Sefiane, K. (2021): Fluids 6(4): 141. doi: 10.3390/fluids6040141 [Open access.]

48. Thixotropic pumping in a cylindrical pipe. Pritchard, D., Croudace, A. I., and Wilson, S. K. (2020): Physical Review Fluids 5(1): 013303. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.013303 [Open access.]

47. The shielding effect extends the lifetimes of two-dimensional sessile droplets. Schofield, F. G. H., Wray, A. W., Pritchard, D., and Wilson, S. K. (2020): Journal of Engineering Mathematics 120(1): 89–110. doi: 10.1007/s10665-019-10033-7. [Open access.]

46. The lifetimes of evaporating sessile droplets are significantly extended by strong thermal effects. Schofield, F. G. H., Wilson, S. K., Pritchard, D., and Sefiane, K. (2018): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 851: 231–244. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2018.496. [Open access.]

45. The formation of convolute lamination in mud-rich turbidites. Gladstone, C., McClelland, H. L. O., Woodcock, N. H., Pritchard, D., and Hunt, J. E. (2018): Sedimentology 65(5): 1800–1825. doi: 10.1111/sed.12447. Read-only version.

44. Thermosolutal convection in an evolving soluble porous medium. Corson, L. T. and Pritchard, D. (2017) Journal of Fluid Mechanics 832: 666–696. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.663. Preprint.

43. Unsteady flow of a thixotropic fluid in a slowly varying pipe. Croudace, A. I., Pritchard, D., and Wilson, S. K. (2017): Physics of Fluids 29(8): 083103. doi: 10.1063/1.4998960. [Open access.]

42. Simple waves and shocks in a thin film of a perfectly soluble anti-surfactant solution. Conn, J. J. A., Duffy, B. R., Pritchard, D., Wilson, S. K., and Sefiane, K. (2017): Journal of Engineering Mathematics 107: 167–178. doi: 10.1007/s10665-017-9924-8. [Open access.]

41. Radial viscous fingering of hot asthenosphere within the Icelandic Plume beneath the North Atlantic Ocean. Schoonman, C. M., White, N. J., and Pritchard, D. (2017): Earth and Planetary Science Letters 468: 51–61. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.03.036.
[This work was covered by New Scientist magazine (online version here; print edition 6 May 2017), by, and by a depressingly popular fascist-enabling periodical to whose website I refuse to link.]

40. Flow of a thixotropic or antithixotropic fluid in a slowly varying channel: the weakly advective regime. Pritchard, D., Wilson, S. K., and McArdle, C. R. (2016): Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 238: 140–157. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2016.07.009. [Open access.]

39. Dynamic settling of particles in shear flows of shear-thinning fluids. Childs, L. H., Hogg, A. J., and Pritchard, D. (2016): Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 235: 83–94. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2016.07.011. Preprint.
[Note: due to a publisher's error this article also appears in vol 238: 158–169; doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2016.11.005.]

38. Fluid-dynamical model for antisurfactants. Conn, J. J. A., Duffy, B. R., Pritchard, D., Wilson, S. K., Halling, P. J., and Sefiane, K. (2016): Physical Review E 93: 043121. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.043121. Preprint.

37. Comment on Sochi's variational method for generalised Newtonian flow. Pritchard, D., and Corson, L. T. (2015): Rheologica Acta 54(7): 657–659. doi: 10.1007/s00397-015-0860-0.

[Anomaly of spontaneous transition to instability of liquid–vapour front in a porous medium. Khan, Z. H. and Pritchard, D. (2015): International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 84: 448–455. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2015.01.007.]

36. Shallow flows of generalised Newtonian fluids on an inclined plane. Pritchard, D., Duffy, B. R., and Wilson, S. K. (2015): Journal of Engineering Mathematics 94(1): 115–133. doi: 10.1007/s10665-014-9725-2. Preprint.

35. The shear-driven Rayleigh problem for generalised Newtonian fluids. Duffy, B. R., Pritchard, D., and Wilson, S. K. (2014): Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 206: 11–17. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2014.02.001. Newton Institute preprint NI13042.

34. Polydisperse suspensions: erosion, deposition, and flow capacity. Dorrell, R. M., Hogg, A. J. and Pritchard, D. (2013): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118(3): 1939–1955. doi: 10.1002/jgrf.20129. Preprint.

33. Liquid–vapour fronts in porous media: multiplicity and stability of front positions. Khan, Z. H. and Pritchard, D. (2013): International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61: 1–17. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.01.068.

[Behaviour of steel portal frames in fire: comparison of implict and explicit dynamic finite element methods. Rahman, M., Xu, Y., Lim, J. B. P., Switzer, C., Hamilton, R., Comlekci, T. and Pritchard, D. (2013): International Journal for Structural Stability and Dynamics 13(4): 1250058. doi: 10.1142/S0219455412500587.]

[Effect of column base strength on steel portal frames in fire. Rahman, M., Lim, J. B. P., Xu, Y., Hamilton, R., Comlekci, T. and Pritchard, D. (2013): Proceedings of the ICE: Structures and Buildings 166(4): 197–216. doi: 10.1680/stbu.11.00040.]

32. The Stokes boundary layer for a thixotropic or antithixotropic fluid. McArdle, C. R., Pritchard, D. and Wilson, S. K. (2012): Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 185–186: 18–38. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2012.08.001.

31. The Stokes boundary layer for a power-law fluid. Pritchard, D., McArdle, C. R. and Wilson, S. K. (2011): Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 166: 745–753. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2011.04.011. Preprint.

30. Natural convection and the evolution of a reactive porous medium. Ritchie, L. T. and Pritchard, D. (2011): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 673: 286–317. doi: 10.1017/S0022112010006269. Preprint.

29. Overtopping a truncated planar beach. Hogg, A. J., Baldock, T. E. and Pritchard, D. (2011): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 666: 521–553. doi: 10.1017/S0022112010004325. Preprint.

28. A two layer diffusive model for describing the variability of transdermal drug permeation. Meidan, V. M. and Pritchard, D. (2010): European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 74(3): 513–517. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2009.12.003.

27. Where learning starts? A framework for thinking about lectures in university mathematics. Pritchard, D. (2010): International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 41(5): 609–623. doi: 10.1080/00207391003605254.

26. Uplift histories from river profiles. Pritchard, D., Roberts, G. G., White, N. J. and Richardson, C. N. (2009): Geophysical Research Letters 36: L24301. doi: 10.1029/2009GL040928.

25. Sediment transport under a swash event: the effect of boundary conditions. Pritchard, D. (2009): Coastal Engineering 56: 970–981. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.06.004.

24. Patterns of deposition from experimental turbidity currents with reversing buoyancy. Gladstone, C. and Pritchard, D. (2010): Sedimentology 57: 53–84. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2009.01087.x.
Conference abstract for a preliminary version presented at British Sediment Research Group AGM, December 2004.

23. Reversing buoyancy in turbidity currents: developing a hypothesis for flow transformation and for deposit facies and architecture. Pritchard, D. and Gladstone, C. (2009): Marine and Petroleum Geology 26: 1997–2010. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.02.010.

22. Simple estimates for the magnitude of bedload transport under a turbid surge. Pritchard, D. (2009): Sedimentology 56: 893–910. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2008.01003.x

21. The linear stability of double-diffusive miscible rectilinear displacements in a Hele-Shaw cell. Pritchard, D. (2009): European Journal of Mechanics B / Fluids 28: 564–577. doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2009.01.004. Preprint.

20. Instability of the salinity profile during the evaporation of saline groundwater. Il'ichev, A. T., Tsypkin, G. G., Pritchard, D. and Richardson, C. N. (2008): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 614: 87–104. doi: 10.1017/S0022112008003182 Preprint.

19. An analytical model for bore-driven run-up. Pritchard, D., Guard, P. A. and Baldock, T. E. (2008): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 610: 183–193. doi: 10.1017/S0022112008002644. Preprint.

18. Modelling the sedimentary signature of long waves on coasts: implications for tsunami reconstruction. Pritchard, D. and Dickinson, L. (2008): Sedimentary Geology 206: 42–57. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2008.03.004.
Earlier version (Departmental Research Report 2007/17) in PDF format (1.7MB).

17. The near-shore behaviour of shallow-water waves with localised initial conditions. Pritchard, D. and Dickinson, L. (2007): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 591: 413–436. doi: 10.1017/S002211200700835X.

16. Gravity currents over fractured substrates in a porous medium. Pritchard, D. (2007): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 584: 415–431. doi: 10.1017/S0022112007006623.

15. The effect of temperature-dependent solubility on the onset of thermosolutal convection in a horizontal porous layer. Pritchard, D. and Richardson, C. N. (2007): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 571: 59–95. doi: 10.1017/S0022112006003211. Preprint.

14. Viscous fingering of a thixotropic fluid in a porous medium or a narrow fracture. Pritchard, D. and Pearson, J. R. A. (2006): Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 135: 117–127. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2006.02.004.

13. The rate of deposition of fine sediment from suspension. Pritchard, D. (2006): Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 132(5): 533–536. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2006)132:5(533)

12. On fine sediment transport by a flood surge. Pritchard, D. (2005): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 543: 239–248. doi: 10.1017/S0022112005006518.

11. Suspended sediment transport along an idealised tidal embayment: settling lag, residual transport and the interpretation of tidal signals. Pritchard, D. (2005): Ocean Dynamics 55(2): 124–136. doi: 10.1007/s10236-005-0004-7.

10. On the transport of suspended sediment by a swash event on a plane beach. Pritchard, D. and Hogg, A. J. (2005): Coastal Engineering 52: 1–23. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2004.08.002.

See also the Discussion by Baldock & Alsina (Coastal Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2005.06.003) and our Reply: Coastal Engineering 53(1): 115–118. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2005.09.019.

10b. The transport of sediment over a sloping breakwater. Hogg, A. J. and Pritchard, D. (2004): Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (CD-ROM), ed. M. Behnia, W. Lin and G. D. McBain (University of Sydney), paper AFMC00054.

9. The instability of thermal and fluid fronts during radial injection in a porous medium. Pritchard, D. (2004): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 508: 133–163. doi: 10.1017/S0022112004009000.

8. The effects of hydraulic resistance on dam-break and other shallow inertial flows. Hogg, A. J. and Pritchard, D. (2004): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 501: 179–212. doi: 10.1017/S0022112003007468.

7. Cross-shore sediment transport and the equilibrium morphology of mudflats under tidal currents. Pritchard, D. and Hogg, A. J. (2003): Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108(C10): 3313. doi: 10.1029/2002JC001570.

6. On fine sediment transport by long waves in the swash zone of a plane beach. Pritchard, D. and Hogg, A. J. (2003): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 493: 255–275. doi: 10.1017/S0022112003005901.

5. Suspended sediment transport under seiches in circular and elliptical basins. Pritchard, D. and Hogg, A. J. (2003): Coastal Engineering 49: 43–70. doi: 10.1016/S0378-3839(03)00046-2.

4. On sediment transport under dambreak flow. Pritchard, D. and Hogg, A. J. (2002): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 473: 265–274. doi: 10.1017/S0022112002002550.

3. Morphological modelling of intertidal mudflats: the role of cross-shore tidal currents. Pritchard, D., Hogg, A. J. and Roberts, W. (2002): Continental Shelf Research 22 (11-13): 1887–1895. doi: 10.1016/S0278-4343(02)00044-4.

2. Draining viscous gravity currents in a vertical fracture. Pritchard, D. and Hogg, A. J. (2002): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 459: 207–216. doi: 10.1017/S0022112002008327.

1. On the slow draining of a gravity current moving through a layered permeable medium. Pritchard, D., Woods, A. W. and Hogg, A.J. (2001): Journal of Fluid Mechanics 444: 23–47. doi: 10.1017/S002211200100516X.

Unrefereed papers, reviews, and other publications

U8. The strong influence of thermal effects on the lifetime of an evaporating droplet. F. G. H. Schofield, S. K. Wilson, D. Pritchard & K. Sefiane (2021): Advances in Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering (ed. C. Wen & Y. Yan), pp. 105–109. doi: 10.1007/978-981-33-4765-6_19.

U7. SQA qualifications in Mathematics and English (1986-2018): a statistical overview. Pritchard, D. (2019): report for the Scottish Mathematical Council, published 7 March 2019. Report and supporting data.
"[H]eadline-grabbing, disingenuous and quite frankly unhelpful" — an angry Twitter user who turned out not to have read it.

U6. Theremin [poem]. Pritchard, D. (2018): Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 8(1): 473. doi: 10.5642/jhummath.201801.23.

U5. Lectures and transition: from bottles to bonfires? Pritchard, D. (2015): chapter 5 in Transitions in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (ed. A. C. Croft, M. J. Grove, J. Kyle and D. A. Lawson), University of Birmingham, in association with the Higher Education Academy. Preprint.

U4. Sinking inside the box. Pritchard, D. (2013): Focus on Fluids article in Journal of Fluid Mechanics 722: 1–4. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2013.84.

U3. What's right with lecturing? Pritchard, D. (2010): MSOR Connections 10(3): 3–6. doi: 10.11120/msor.2010.10030003. Full text (PDF) (428 KB).

[An investigation of overturning moments of portal frames at elevated temperatures. Rahman, M., Lim, J., Hamilton, R., Komlekci, T., Pritchard, D. and Xu, Y. (2009). In Annex to Proceedings of Applications of Structural Fire Engineering (19-20 February 2009, Prague, Czech Republic).]

U2. Models of settling lag in coastal and estuarine settlings. Pritchard, D. and Hogg, A. J. (2003): pp 29–39 in Proc. 3rd IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (ed. A. Sanchez-Arcilla and A. Bateman).
Abstract. Full text (PDF) (178 KB).

U1. Suspended sediment transport by drag-affected dam-break flow. Hogg, A. J. and Pritchard, D. (2003): pp 87–98 in Proc. 3rd IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (ed. A. Sanchez-Arcilla and A. Bateman).

See also my reviews on the AMS's MathSciNet database.

Papers currently under review

Steady pendent rivulets and droplets: from lubrication to bifurcation. Grinfeld, M. and Pritchard, D. Under review (submitted April 2023; revised May 2024 and September 2024). arXiv:2304.10856.

Other conference papers, invited lectures etc.

Papers that I co-authored but didn't present appear in brackets. This list does not include most internal or external departmental seminars.

C44. Making waves on the "mathematical canal": John Scott Russell and the solitary wave
D. Pritchard, 36th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Strathclyde, May 2023; Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows, University of Cambridge, July 2024).

[C43. Are STACK quizzes like Wordle?
L. T. Corson and D. Pritchard, International Meeting of the STACK Community 2022 (Montanuniversität Leoben, April 2022).]

C42. Mathematical aspects of droplet evolution
D. Pritchard. Invited lecture, Mathematical Methods of Mechanics (School for Young Researchers, Steklov Mathematical Institute, November 2020).

C41. Construction, transition, demolition?
D. Pritchard. Keynote address, Scottish Maths Support Network Annual Meeting (Abertay University, June 2019); IMA Scotland Branch meeting (University of Strathclyde, January 2020). Slides (PDF, 5MB).

C40. Environmental sediment transport
D. Pritchard. Hewitt—Reese Spring School on Modelling Multiphase Flow (University of Strathclyde, May 2019).

[C39. A 2D model for the evaporation of a pair of liquid ridges
F. G. H. Schofield, S. K. Wilson, D. Pritchard, A. W. Wray, and K. Sefiane. British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (University of Bath, April 2019); 32nd Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Dundee, May 2019).]

C38. Ethics for professionals?
D. Pritchard. Ethics in Mathematics 1 (University of Cambridge, April 2018).

[C37. The fluid dynamics of anti-surfactant solutions.
S. K. Wilson, J. J. A. Conn, D. Pritchard, B. R. Duffy, and K. Sefiane. IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics and Stability of Fluid Interfaces (University of Florida, April 2018); 31st Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Aberdeen, May 2018).]

[C36. The influence of the thermal properties of the system on the lifetime of an evaporating droplet (various versions).
F. G. H. Schofield, S. K. Wilson, D. Pritchard, and K. Sefiane. 15th UK Heat Transfer Conference (Brunel University, September 2017); Workshop on Droplet Coalescence (University of Durham, October 2017); 12th European Coating Symposium (Fribourg, November 2017); IoP PGS Conference: Printing for the future 2018 (Nottingham University, January 2018); British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (University of St Andrews, March 2018); 31st Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Aberdeen, May 2018); UK Fluids Conference 2018 (University of Manchester, September 2018); 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (Vienna, September 2018).]

[C35. Unsteady flow of a thixotropic fluid in a slowly varying pipe.
A. I. Croudace, D. Pritchard, and S. K. Wilson. British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (University of Surrey, April 2017); 30th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Strathclyde, May 2017); 2017 SIAM Annual Meeting (Pittsburgh, July 2017); 12th European Coating Symposium (Fribourg, November 2017); British Society of Rheology Mid-Winter Meeting (University of Bristol, December 2017).]

[C34. Settling fire to soil: an idealised mathematical model of smouldering remediation.
B. C. Snow, L. T. Corson, D. Pritchard, and C. Switzer. 29th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Edinburgh, May 2016) (poster).]

C33a. Lubrication flow of purely thixotropic fluids.
D. Pritchard, C. McArdle, A. I. Croudace, and S. K. Wilson. British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (University of Oxford, April 2016), invited mini-symposium talk.
[C33b. Unsteady pipe flow of purely thixotropic fluids.
A. I. Croudace, D. Pritchard, and S. K. Wilson. British Society of Rheology Mid-Winter Meeting (University of Glasgow, December 2015); British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (University of Oxford, April 2016); 29th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Edinburgh, May 2016) (poster).]

[C32. "Anti-surfactant" behaviour of salt solutions (various versions).
J. J. A. Conn, D. Pritchard, B. R. Duffy, S. K. Wilson and K. Sefiane: BIFD 2015: Sixth International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics (ESPCI, Paris, July 2015); 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Boston, November 2015); British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (University of Oxford, April 2016); 29th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Edinburgh, May 2016); 8th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (Bad Honnef, June 2016); 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Montréal, August 2016).]

C31. Thixotropic fluids: lubrication flow and reduced models.
D. Pritchard, S. K. Wilson and C. R. McArdle: 10th Annual European Rheology Conference (Nantes, April 2015) (poster); 28th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Glasgow, May 2015); [11th European Coating Symposium (Eindhoven, September 2015)]; Focussed Research Group on Geophysical Viscoplastic Flows, Banff International Research Station (October 2015) (video).

C30. Lectures and the transition to university.
D. Pritchard: invited contribution to Transitions in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (book launch and CPD event, University of Birmingham, March 2015).

[C29. Modelling anomalous surface-tension effects in salt solutions.
J. J. A. Conn, S. K. Wilson, D. Pritchard, B. R. Duffy, P. J. Halling and K. Sefiane: British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2014 (Prifysgol Caerdydd, April 2014); 7th Conference of the International Marangoni Association (Technische Universität Wien, June 2014); SIAM PhD Student Conference (University of Reading, September 2014).]

[C28. Flows of thixotropic and antithixotropic fluids in a slowly-varying channel.
C. R. McArdle, D. Pritchard and S. K. Wilson: 26th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Aberdeen, May 2013).]

C27. Technology and maths lectures: what makes lectures (in)effective, and (how) can technology help?
D. Pritchard: invited contribution to Contemporary Challenges for the Delivery of Undergraduate Mathematics Courses (HEA workshop, British Mathematical Colloquium 2013, University of Sheffield, March 2013).

[C26. The effect of reactive thermosolutal convection on the long-term evolution of a porous medium.
L. T. Corson and D. Pritchard: 25th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (Heriot-Watt University, May 2012).]

[C25. The Stokes boundary layer for a thixotropic or antithixotropic fluid.
C. R. McArdle, D. Pritchard and S. K. Wilson: British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2012 (University College London, March 2012); 25th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (Heriot-Watt University, May 2012); European Society of Rheology XVIth International Congress on Rheology (Lisbon, August 2012); Viscoplastic Fluids: From Theory to Application, Banff International Research Station (October 2015) (video).]

[C24. Finite and infinite width Stokes layers in a power-law fluid.
S. K. Wilson, D. Pritchard and C. R. McArdle: 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Baltimore, November 2011).]

[C23. The Stokes boundary layer for a power-law fluid.
C. R. McArdle, D. Pritchard and S. K. Wilson: British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2011 (University of Birmingham, April 2011); 24th Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Strathclyde, May 2011).]

[C22. Stability of an evaporation front in a porous medium heated from below.
Z. H. Khan, D. Pritchard and J. A. Mackenzie: British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2011 (University of Birmingham, April 2011).]

C21. Natural convection and the evolution of a reactive porous medium.
D. Pritchard and L. T. Ritchie: BP Institute 10th Anniversary Meeting (University of Cambridge, September/October 2010).

[C20. Natural convection and the evolution of a reactive porous medium.
L. T. Ritchie and D. Pritchard: 23rd Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Dundee, May 2010).]

C19. Should maths lecturers be ashamed of lecturing?
D. Pritchard: Mathematicians and Mathematics Educators: what can we learn from each other? (University of Warwick, March 2010).

[C18. From a dilute turbidity current to a concentrated flow via lofting.
C. Gladstone and D. Pritchard: British Sediment Research Group AGM (Prifysgol Bangor, December 2009).]

[C17. On the origin of convolute laminations in the turbidites of the Aberystwyth Grits Group.
H. McClelland, C. Gladstone, N. Woodstock and D. Pritchard: British Sediment Research Group AGM (Prifysgol Bangor, December 2009). (Poster presentation.)]

[C16. Natural convection and the evolution of a reactive porous medium.
L. T. Ritchie and D. Pritchard: 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (Minneapolis, November 2009).]

C15. The 50-minute lecture is a good form of teaching.
D. Pritchard: opening contribution to the HEA Academy Scotland annual debate (Glasgow Caledonian University, June 2009).

C14. Lofting turbidity currents and their deposits: some results and some hypotheses.
D. Pritchard and C. Gladstone: 22nd Annual Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (SAMS, Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, May 2009).

C13. An analytical model for bore-driven run-up.
D. Pritchard, P. A. Guard and T. E. Baldock: 21st Annual Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Edinburgh, May 2008).

C12. Modelling settling lag and sediment sorting in intertidal settings.
D. Pritchard: Estuarine Research Federation 19th Biennial International Conference: Science and Management (Providence, Rhode Island, November 2007).

C11. The onset of reactive thermosolutal convection in a porous layer.
D. Pritchard and C. N. Richardson: 19th Annual Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Aberdeen, May 2006).

[C10. The sedimentary signature of long waves on coasts: assessing tsunami risk.
L. Dickinson and D. Pritchard: 19th Annual Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting (University of Aberdeen, May 2006).]

C9. Viscous fingering of a thixotropic fluid.
D. Pritchard and J. R. A. Pearson: Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 2005 (BP Institute, University of Cambridge, December 2005).

C8. Response timescales in sediment transport and
Some thermally controlled instabilities in flows in a porous medium.
D. Pritchard: invited lectures at Sakha State University Summer School on Mathematical Modelling (Yakutsk, Russian Federation, July 2005).

C7. Modelling the dynamics and morphology of flow-reaction processes in porous media.
D. Pritchard: Final Workshop of the NERC/EPSRC Environmental Mathematics and Statistics Programme (University of Sheffield, January 2005).

[C6. Cross-shore suspended sediment transport under tidal currents.
A. J. Hogg and D. Pritchard: Sixth Caribbean Fluid Mechanics Congress (Trinidad and Tobago, January 2004).]

C5. The instability of coupled thermal and fluid fronts during radial injection into a porous medium.
D. Pritchard: Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 2003 (BP Institute, University of Cambridge, December 2003).

C4. Why is Scotland? National identity in Scotland and Scottish poetry: a very brief introduction.
D. Pritchard: address to Department of Linguistics and Translation, Kuban State University, Russian Federation, May 2002.

C3. Modelling the run-out of mine tailings.
A. J. Hogg and D. Pritchard (with D. G. Richards): European Geophysical Society 27th General Assembly (Nice, April 2002).

C2. Drainage effects on gravity currents in a permeable medium.
A. J. Hogg, D. Pritchard and A. W. Woods: IMA Conference on Modelling Flow in Oil Reservoirs (BP Institute, University of Cambridge, April 2002).

C1. Morphological modelling of intertidal mudflats: the role of tidal currents.
D. Pritchard, A. J. Hogg and W. Roberts: 10th International Biennial Conference on the Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (Norfolk VA, October 2000).

Popular and expository pieces

As well as curating the unofficial department blog, I've written a fair number of articles for it. They tend to be at most loosely associated with my research interests, which may be why they're fun to write. Here are a few that I think have more interesting content than the rest.

Also listed here, because I can't think of a better place for it, is my sole and extremely self-indulgent foray into local history: The loss of the Vivid: the biography of a shipwreck. It's probably the definitive account of the sinking in 1913 of the Royal Technical College's training ship less than a day into her first cruise, if only because I don't think anybody else has bothered to write one. A brief outline of the story, with an emphasis on the Helensburgh connections, can be found on the excellent Helensburgh Heritage website.

My PhD thesis

My PhD thesis is no longer available in full online, but if you're curious you can have a look at the Abstract or the Introduction. (Be warned: the abstract is ridiculously short in order to comply with some daft rules made up by a form-filler who's never had to summarize three hundred pages of maths in under 300 words, while the introduction was written very late at night and possibly says more about the effects of CafeDirect Rich Roast than it does about the thesis. You might find it interesting anyway.)