Our Group | Members


PhD Student

Room HD 2.16
Henry Dyer Building
100 Montrose Street
G4 0LZ

+44(0)141 548 2288

University KnowledgeBase: Yang ZHOU

Research topics


  • Journal Papers

  • Conference Papers

    • A CFD study for floating offshore wind turbine aerodynamics in turbulent wind field
      Yang Zhou, Qing Xiao,Atilla Incecik, Chirstophe Peyrard, Decheng Wan, Sunwei Li
      Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Offshore Wind Technical Conference
      IOWTC2020, IOWTC2020-3515, Boston, MA, USA (2020)
    • Investigation of focused wave impact on floating platform for offshore floating wind turbine - A CFD study
      Yang Zhou, Qing Xiao,Yuanchuan Liu, Atilla Incecik, Christophe Peyrard
      Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International
      Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering
      OMAE 2019, Glasgow Scotland (2019)